Búsqueda de Editorial : Harvard Business Review Press

88 resultados

Harvard Business Review Press Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Fusion Strategy
    Govindarajan, Vijay / Venkatraman, Venkat
    Two world-renowned experts on innovation and digital strategy explore how real-time data and AI will radically transform physical products—and the companies that make them.Tech giants like Facebook, Amazon, and Google can collect real-time data from billions of users. For companies that design and manufacture physical products, that type of fluid, data-rich information used to ...

    $606.00 MXN

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  • Never Not Working
    Clark, Malissa
    The always-on, hustle culture creates an unhealthy, counterproductive relationship with work.Many workers believe that to compete with other top talent, they must embrace a culture that rewards long hours and a constant connection to work. Businesses and society endorse busyness, overwork, and extreme commitment as the most valued traits in workers. Sometimes that endorsement i...

    $554.00 MXN

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  • Managing Your Anxiety
    Harvard Business Review / Boyes, Alice / Brewer, Judson / Rasmus Hougaard, Rasmus / Carter, Jacqueline
    What's the worst that can happen?Anxiety is the most prevalent mental disorder worldwide. But rumination, worry, and catastrophizing don't have to hold you back at work. By understanding how anxiety works, you can better manage these feelings.This book will help you distinguish stress from anxiety, use self-compassion and mindfulness to combat the symptoms, find the support you...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Year in Tech, 2024
    Harvard Business Review / Cremer, David De / Florida, Richard / Mollick, Ethan
    A year of HBR's essential thinking on tech—all in one place.Generative AI, Web3, neurotech, reusable rockets to power the space economy—new technologies like these are reshaping organizations at the hybrid office, on factory floors, and in the C-suite. What should you and your company be doing now to take advantage of the new opportunities these technologies are creating—and av...

    $397.00 MXN

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  • Grit
    Harvard Business Review / Duckworth, Angela L. / Copeland, Misty / Polson, Shannon Huffman
    In the face of hardship, you need perseverance and determination.You need grit. But how do you build it?This book explores how you can persist in difficult situations. You'll learn how to convince yourself to do hard things, find support in trying circumstances, and know when you're pushing yourself too hard.This volume includes the work of:• Angela Duckworth• Misty Copeland• S...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Inclusion
    Harvard Business Review / Washington, Ella F. / Gordon, Stacey A. / Rezvani, Selena
    Everyone deserves to feel a sense of respect and belonging. And we all want our coworkers to feel safe, heard, and free to be their authentic selves at work. But being an inclusive colleague doesn't always come naturally.This book will teach you how to be more empathetic, accepting, and socially aware, so you can create a more inclusive work environment—starting with yourself.T...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Management tips 2
    Harvard Business Review
    Management Tips es una recopilación de las mejores recomendaciones para la gestión empresarial y el liderazgo. Obtenidos a partir de las entradas del blog de la Harvard Business Review y otros materiales, estos consejos breves y prácticos te ayudarán a autogestionarte y a gestionar a tu equipo y a tu empresa. Con la lectura de este manual dispondrás de las claves adecuadas para...

    $370.00 MXN

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  • Cómo delegar
    Harvar Bussiness Review
    Sabes que tienes que delegar parte de tu trabajo con el fin de disponer de más tiempo para centrarte en las tareas que requieren un alto nivel de experiencia, como la tuya. Pero no es fácil. Cómo delegar te introduce de forma sencilla y práctica en los fundamentos que te permitirán: Crear un entorno productivo. Asignar a la persona adecuada el trabajo adecuado. Hacer un traspas...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Good Habits
    Harvard Business Review / Clear, James / Hougaard, Rasmus
    Improve the way you work—and feel—by forming better habits.We all have habits. Some of them we've carefully established; others we may have simply fallen into. Some help us get our work done; others hold us back.This book explores how to change your behavior to break counterproductive tendencies, combat everyday stressors, and ultimately reach your goals at work and in life.Thi...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Energía y motivación
    Harvard Business Review
    Cuando la procrastinación llame a tu puerta, no cedas. Unos días estás superactivo en el trabajo y otros estás agotado y te distraes con mucha facilidad. ¿Cómo puedes conservar tu dinamismo, avanzar de forma constante y emplear tu energía con sabiduría?Este libro te ayudará a identificar las causas de tu escaso compromiso y baja productividad, y te aportará la experiencia y ase...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Prediction Machines: Updated and Expanded...
    Agrawal, Ajay / Gans, Joshua / Goldfarb, Avi
    Named one of "The five best books to understand AI" by The EconomistThe impact AI will have is profound, but the economic framework for understanding it is surprisingly simple.Artificial intelligence seems to do the impossible, magically bringing machines to life—driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI brings can be paralyzing. How...

    $520.00 MXN

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  • Energy + Motivation
    Harvard Business Review / McKee, Annie / Grant, Heidi / Achor, Shawn
    Push through when procrastination calls.Some days you're on fire at work; other days you're burned out and easily distracted. How can you maintain your drive, make consistent progress, and expend your energy wisely?This book will help you identify what's behind your flagging engagement and productivity—and provide the expert research and advice on what to do about it.This volum...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Virtual EI
    Harvard Business Review / Edmondson, Amy C. / Mortensen, Mark
    Be mindful, empathetic, and authentic—even on-screen.Managing your team, building relationships and trust, and facilitating effective meetings in a hybrid or fully remote workforce is challenging.Virtual EI explores how to develop, practice, and demonstrate your emotional intelligence and social skills in a virtual or hybrid setting. You'll learn how to make your team feel hear...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Heart of Business, The
    Joly, Hubert / Lambert, Caroline
    Hubert Joly, former CEO of Best Buy and orchestrator of the retailer's spectacular turnaround, unveils his personal playbook for achieving extraordinary outcomes by putting people and purpose at the heart of business.Back in 2012, "Everyone thought we were going to die," says Joly. Eight years later, Best Buy was transformed as Joly and his team rebuilt the company into one of ...

    $520.00 MXN

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  • Poder + Influencia.
    Harvard Business Review
    La autoridad formal conlleva implícita el poder. Pero muy poca gente es consciente de que también existe un poder informal, que no está vinculado a ningún cargo o jerarquía, pero capaz de ejercer un gran impacto. ¿Cómo puedes usar tu poder para que tenga mayor influencia? Este libro explica cómo el poder incide en nuestras emociones, en nuestro comportamiento y en el modo en qu...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Confianza
    Harvard Business Review
    Necesitas confianza para transmitir seguridad, comunicarte de forma efectiva y tener éxito en tu organización. Pero tus propias inseguridades y tus temores pueden mermar tu capacidad para actuar con decisión y persuadir a otros. ¿Qué puedes hacer para superar esas inseguridades? Este libro te explica cómo utilizar la inteligencia emocional para sentirte más seguro en el trabajo...

    $210.00 MXN

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  • Focus
    Harvard Business Review
    Uno de los principales retos del liderazgo es la atención. Para superarlo, lo primero que debe hacer un líder es aprender a enfocar correctamente la suya. Este libro explica cómo fortalecer tu capacidad de concentración, gestionar la atención de tu equipo y romper el ciclo de distracción. El enfoque profundo te permite guiar a los demás con éxito, mantener la lucidez en medio ...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Saber escuchar
    Harvard Business Review
    Saber escuchar es una habilidad crítica que a menudo se da por sentado. Al aprender a escuchar atentamente, conseguirás mantener a tus empleados más comprometidos, fomentar el descubrimiento de nuevas ideas y escuchar lo que necesitas escuchar en una reunión en lugar de lo que esperas escuchar. A través de las investigaciones de reputados especialistas de la Harvard Business Re...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Power and Impact
    Cable, Dan / Bregman, Peter / Monarth, Harrison
    Wield your power for greater influence and impact.With formal authority comes power. But few people realize that informal power--the kind that doesn't come with a title--can have just as much impact. How do you use your power for greater influence?This book explains how power affects our emotions, our behavior, and how we work with others. You'll learn how to use self-awareness...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Confidence
    Harvard Business Review
    Become more confident at work.You need confidence to inspire trust, communicate effectively, and succeed in your organization. But self-doubt and nerves can undermine your ability to act decisively and persuade others. What can you do to push past these insecurities?This book explains how you can use emotional intelligence to become more confident at work. You'll learn how to c...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Auténtico liderazgo, El
    Harvard Business Review
    Este libro explica el papel de la autenticidad en el liderazgo emocionalmente inteligente y cómo poner en práctica los principios y valores que harán que consigas ganarte el respeto de los demás. A través de las investigaciones de reputados especialistas de la Harvard Business Review, la obra ofrece referencias clave para saber cuándo son apropiadas las respuestas emocionales y...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Influencia y persuasión
    Harvard Business Review
    Para cambiar la mente es importante transformar los corazones. Las últimas investigaciones demuestran que apelar a las emociones puede fortalecer y afianzar tu autoridad como líder. Escrito por reputados especialistas de la Harvard Business Review en temas de inteligencia emocional en el entorno profesional, el libro ofrece estrategias generales para desarrollar la capacidad de...

    $250.00 MXN

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  • Self-Awareness
    Harvard Business Review / Goleman, Daniel / Kaplan, Robert Steven / David, Susan / Eurich, Tasha
    Self-awareness is the bedrock of emotional intelligence that enables you to see your talents, shortcomings, and potential. But you won't be able to achieve true self-awareness with the usual quarterly feedback and self-reflection alone.This book will teach you how to understand your thoughts and emotions, how to persuade your colleagues to share what they really think of you, a...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Leadership Presence
    Tannen, Deborah / Cuddy, Amy J. C. / Su, Amy Jen
    Lead with charisma and confidence.Many leaders consider "executive presence" a make-or-break factor in high-powered promotions. But what is this elusive quality, and how do you develop it?This book explains how to build the charisma, confidence, and decisiveness that top leaders project. Whether you're delivering a critical presentation or managing a hectic meeting, you'll be i...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Purpose, Meaning, and Passion
    Harvard Business Review / Hansen, Morten T. / Amabile, Teresa M. / Snook, Scott A.
    Find your purpose at work.In an ideal world, our work lives would be completely fulfilling and intrinsically motivating.But what if you're stuck in a job and your heart isn't in it anymore? Or what if your company's mission seems unrelated to the work you do day in and day out? This book showcases the power of passion--and how you and your team can find it at work.This volume i...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Mental Toughness
    Harvard Business, Review / Seligman, Martin E. P. / Schwartz, Tony
    Come back from every setback a stronger and better leader.If you read nothing else on mental toughness, read these ten articles by experts in the field. We've combed through hundreds of articles in the Harvard Business Review archive and selected the most important ones to help you build your emotional strength and resilience--and to achieve high performance.This book will insp...

    $432.00 MXN

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  • Influence and Persuasion
    Morgan, Nick / Cialdini, Robert B. / Hill, Linda A. / Duarte, Nancy
    Changing hearts is an important part of changing minds.Research shows that appealing to human emotion can help you make your case and build your authority as a leader.This book highlights that research and shows you how to act on it, presenting both comprehensive frameworks for developing influence and small, simple tactics you can use to convince others every day.This volume i...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Authentic Leadership
    Harvard Business Review / George, Bill / Ibarra, Herminia
    What does it mean to be yourself at work? As a leader, how do you strike the right balance between vulnerability and authority?This book explains the role of authenticity in emotionally intelligent leadership. You'll learn how to discover your authentic self, when emotional responses are appropriate, how conforming to specific standards can hurt you, and when you need to feel l...

    $346.00 MXN

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  • HBR Guide to Emotional Intelligence
    Harvard Business Review
    Managing the human side of workResearch by Daniel Goleman, a psychologist and coauthor of Primal Leadership, has shown that emotional intelligence is a more powerful determinant of good leadership than technical competence, IQ, or vision.Influencing those around us and supporting our own well-being requires us to be self-aware, know when and how to regulate our emotional reacti...

    $380.00 MXN

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  • Mindfulness
    Goleman, Daniel / Langer, Ellen / David, Susan
    Bring mindfulness into your work.The benefits of mindfulness include better performance, heightened creativity, deeper self-awareness, and increased charisma—not to mention greater peace of mind.This book gives you practical steps for building a sense of presence into your daily work routine. It also explains the science behind mindfulness and why it works and gives clear-eyed ...

    $346.00 MXN

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