Thea Stilton and the Cherry Blossom Adventure

Thea Stilton and the Cherry Blossom Adventure

Stilton, Thea

$165.00 MXN


Geronimo's adventurous sister Thea is taking the publishing world by storm in this fabumouse tale packed with action, mystery, and friendship.

In this exciting adventure, the Thea Sisters are off to Japan on a cultural exchange program. While they're busy exploring Kyoto and admiring the beautiful cherry blossoms, a valuable doll is stolen from a wealthy Japanese collector. Will the five mice be able to track down the doll and catch the thief? Readers will love following the clues to help the Thea Sisters solve the mystery.

Novela gráfica y cómic

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  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
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  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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