Beautiful Losers

Beautiful Losers

Cohen, Leonard

$396.00 MXN


One of the best-known experimental novels of the 1960s, Beautiful Losers is Cohen’ s most defiant and uninhibited work. The novel centres upon the hapless members of a love triangle united by their sexual obsessions and by their fascination with Catherine Tekakwitha, the 17th-century Mohawk saint.

By turns vulgar, rhapsodic, and viciously witty, Beautiful Losers explores each character’s attainment of a state of self-abandonment, in which the sensualist cannot be distinguished from the saint.

Editorial Reviews

Dubbed "an unstructured, free-form, irreverent novel" ( LJ 4/1/66) by LJ 's reviewer, Beautiful Losers seemed too strange even for the Sixties. Nevertheless, the book went on to become a cult hit, selling more than 400,000 copies before going out of print. The novel is now being reissued to coincide with the upcoming publication of Cohen's Stranger Music. With its gay relationships, homages to Canadian Native Americans, and search for the meaning of life, this may now find wider acceptance in the mainstream.

'A fantasied eroticism which is wildly funny...An exciting book.' Sunday Times 'The literary counterpart of "Hair" on the stage and "Easy Rider" on the screen.' Daily Telegraph 'The most vivid, fascinating and brave modern novel I have read.' Michael Ondaatje 'Gorgeously comes out of it having seen terrible and beautiful visions.' New York Times 'Brilliant, explosive, a fountain of talent...James Joyce is not dead...he lives under the name of Cohen...writing from the point of view of Henry Miller.' Boston Herald 'Fuses sexuality with spirituality...mystical and profane, poetic and invitation to play Russian roulette with a phallic pistol.' Kirkus Reviews 'Cohen assaults the reader with words, images, pyrotechnics and love. It's a raging, poetic, highly personal and eminently readable book.'

One of the best-known experimental novels of the 1960s, Beautiful Losers is Cohen's most defiant and uninhibited work. The novel centres upon the hapless members of a love triangle united by their sexual obsessions and by their fascination with Catherine Tekakwitha, the 17th-century Mohawk saint.

By turns vulgar, rhapsodic, and viciously witty, Beautiful Losers explores each character's attainment of a state of self-abandonment, in which the sensualist cannot be distinguished from the saint.

About the Author:
Leonard Cohen was born in Montreal in 1934 and published his first poetry collection in 1956. Since then he has published a number of books, including the poetry collection LET US COMPARE MYTHOLOGIES and the novel THE FAVOURITE GAME. Renowned as a singer and performer, Leonard has recorded a number of albums, the most famous being I'M YOUR MAN and THE FUTURE. He lives in Los Angeles. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.

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