Búsqueda de Editorial : Konemann

250 resultados

  • Angelika Kauffmann
    Hasekamp, Uta
    Angelica Kauffman, born in 1714, is considered one of the most successful female artists of her time. With unparalleled talent and ambition she planned and pursued her artistic path with determination. Among other places, she lived in Rome, where she worked for high-ranking clients. In London, Angelica Kauffman made a brilliant career as a portraitist and–unusual for women–also...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • American painting 1765-1930
    Kiecol, Daniel
    Este libro presenta una visión general de la pintura estadounidense del siglo XIX, desde la Escuela del Río Hudson hasta el Realismo, el Impresionismo y la Escuela Ashcan. ...

    $299.00 MXN

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  • Chris Newman
    Chris Newman was born in England but spends most of his life in Germany. Detached from his roots, he was able to develop an artistic approach that equally encompasses working in various artistic media. Poetry, music, video, drawing and painting. This volume highlights the diverse aspects of his rich work ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Joaquín Sorolla
    Kienlin, Sabine Von
    Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida achieved wide international recognition with his light-flooded plein air paintings of Mediterranean beach life. He became one of the most popular and economically successful painters of the turn of the century. He influenced Spanish Impressionism like no other. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Paul Signac
    Morel, Guillaume
    Pintor, dibujante y acuarelista, Paul Signac (1863-1935) se inició a la estela de los impresionistas antes de pasar al puntillismo junto a Georges Seurat. Agua, puertos, barcos, playas del mar dominan la iconografía de este viajero incansable. De París a St. Malo y de Saint-Tropez a Venecia o Estambul, la obra de Signac es un verdadero canto al color. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Max Liebermann
    Kiecol, Daniel
    The work of Max Liebermann cannot be clearly assigned to one art movement within the German art history of his time. Naturalistic works with a social theme are also included, as well as paintings that are characterized by bright colors and strongly influenced by French Impressionism. Liebermann's work is symbolic of the transition from 19th century art to Classic Modernism. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Kirchner
    Hansmann, Doris
    La obra artística de Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880 y 1938) se considera un hito del modernismo internacional y el clímax del expresionismo alemán. Este volumen documenta el desarrollo de la obra multifacética desde los desnudos que hicieron época en los primeros años de Dresde hasta las imágenes nerviosamente vibrantes de la metrópolis de Berlín, las representaciones de las monta...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Art Noveau
    Hauffe, Thomas
    Art Nouveau developed in very different forms between the 1880s and the First World War, starting in Western Europe. Organic lines and plant forms, building in iron, glass, and concrete, as well as the idea of the “Gesamtkunstwerk” (Complete work of art) can be found in London, Glasgow, and Riga as well as in St. Petersburg and Moscow. But above all in the Scandinavian countrie...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • México
    West, Stephen
    México, el nombre evoca formaciones de esterilidad y cactus, pirámides y playas de palmeras, culturas indígenas y sol abrasador. La mayor parte del país pertenece al continente norteamericano y se extiende a lo largo de 3200 km desde la frontera con los EE.UU. en el norte hasta la costa caribeña en la península de Yucatán en el sureste. La árida meseta, que constituye la mayor ...

    $269.00 MXN

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  • Michelangelo
    Dangelmaier, Ruth
    Already revered by his admirers during his lifetime as "Il Divino" (the Divine), Michelangelo Buonarroti embodies the ideal artist of the Renaissance in Italy. No sculptor or painter was able to depict man more impressively in stone and colour; his grandiose masterpieces are still world-famous today. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • American Painting
    Kiecol, Daniel
    This book presents an overview of American painting of the 19th century, from the Hudson River School to Realism, Impressionism, and the Ashcan School. ...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • European painting 1750–1880
    Kiecol, Daniel
    Edición multilingüeEl período comprendido entre 1750 y finales del siglo XIX fue un período de convulsión. La industrialización en Inglaterra, la Revolución Francesa, Napoleón y la formación de estados en Alemania e Italia son solo algunos de los hechos históricos que definen este período. Todos estos desarrollos también se reflejaron en la pintura europea: desde el redescubrim...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Frescoes
    Hasekamp, Uta
    Edición MultilingüeEl fresco – una pintura sobre yeso fresco – es una técnica de pintura mural utilizada desde la antigüedad. Los frescos sirven para una gran variedad de propósitos: en las iglesias como biblia en imágenes y para la representación de la vida de los santos o verdades de fe; en los ayuntamientos se representan los ideales de un gobierno de la ciudad, en los casti...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Brazil
    Sassmannshausen, Katja
    It is difficult to define Brazil as a country; it is rather the sum of countries with very different characteristics such as the Amazon region with the longest river and the largest rainforest in the world, and Rio de Janeiro, with its legendary carnival and famous beaches. In addition there a natural wonders such as the mighty Iguaçu waterfalls on the border with Argentina and...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Harem
    Gallet, Valentine
    Multilingual EditionIn the wake of Bonaparte's Egyptian Campaign, artists of the nineteenth century became fascinated by the Orient and, most particularly, the harems which were so remote from western culture. These places rapidly provided a pretext for drawing the languid bodies of naked women, whose depiction in any other context would have been intolerable. This assembly of ...

    $299.00 MXN

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  • Gothic 1200-1500
    Hasekamp, Uta
    Multilingual EditionPainting from 1200 to 1500 is a mirror of its time, marked by deep religiousness as well as progressive tendencies, by economic prosperity as well as devastating wars and epidemics. A religious perspective is joined by secular themes and efforts to achieve a realistic way of representation. These developments take place in book illumination, which is accessi...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Art nouveau
    Hasekamp, Uta
    Art Nouveau was a phenomenon with many faces. Between 1890 and 1910, artists developed a variety of styles from the plant-like forms of the Belgian-French Art Nouveau to the ornamentation of the Viennese Secession. They were all striving to create a new, modern style and pursued a comprehensive renewal of art and, in some countries, also a renewed national identity. ...

    $299.00 MXN

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  • Art Africa
    Bolz, Franziska
    Multilingual EditionThe common ground of these expressive objects is their African origin. However, little is known about the artists who created them. On their journey through space and time the context in which these works of art must be seen has changed and thus their meaning has, too. Here they are brought together in a fascinating panorama of African art. ...

    $299.00 MXN

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  • Flemish and dutch baroque painting
    Hasekamp, Uta
    Multilingual EditionEven though it was a time of near financial ruin in Flanders, Baroque art flourished during this period thanks to the patronage of an arts-minded aristocracy. Meanwhile, the Dutch had become rich from trade and the desire for art found its way into almost every social class in the Netherlands. The naturalistic traditions shared by the two halves of the Low C...

    $299.00 MXN

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  • Art déco
    Bolz, Franziska
    Multilingual EditionThe Art Deco style, named after the International Exhibition of Decorative Arts, reached its peak in the 1920s. A new artistic language driven by a formidable vital impulse born of recent peace, left its mark on urban and domestic architecture, but also on all forms of design: furniture, mural painting, glassware, ceramics. This book offers a magnificently i...

    $299.00 MXN

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  • Arabian Horse, The
    Boiselle, Gabriele
    The beauty and grace of full-blooded Arabians have captured hearts for centuries. These are intelligent, fleet-footed, noble, curious, sensitive creatures who work hard and enjoy close relationships with humans. These horses are also of special importance to Gabrielle Boiselle, because it was a magical encounter with an Arabian stallion that convinced her to pursue her passion ...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Living with wood
    Martinez Alonso, Claudia
    Multilingual EditionFilled with inspiring photographs, this title explores the constructive and decorative potential of wood. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Surprising architecture Ibiza
    White Frances, Conrad
    The fascinating houses shown in this book reflect the variety of possibilities of Mediterranean architecture. The book contains a selection of houses with their own charm. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Bosch
    Dangelmaier, Ruth
    The few surviving works by the Dutch artist Hieronymus Bosch are among the most famous icons in art history. Unique hidden-book-like works of horror, his paintings are populated by monsters and devils, hybrids, tree and bird people, toads, owls, dragons, and unicorns. The entire cosmos of the ingenious fantasist unfolds here in a multitude of illustrations and details. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Japanese Woodcuts
    Mextorf, Olaf
    This book contains more than 350 masterworks of artists such as Hiroshite, Utamaro, Harunobu, Eisen, and Hokusai, all from the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum. ...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Vintage Industrial Interiors
    Martinez Alonso, Claudia
    Multilingual EditionOld factory spaces are often characterized by their spaciousness, high ceilings, large windows, and special finishes. This book sets out to convey the atmosphere of the vintage industrial style and the history and development of industrial furniture design. ...

    $399.00 MXN

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  • City Houses
    Vidal Oliveras, Irene
    LCT: CITY HOUSESEsta casa fue diseñada para una joven pareja, Joyce y Jeroen. En un primer momento los clientes solo quería poner al día la vivienda, pero enseguida quedó patente que la estructura se encontraba en un estado mucho peor de lo que aparentaba. Más que malas noticias, eso supuso una oportunidad: la de convertir una típica casa holandesa en un espacio brillante y con...

    $399.00 MXN

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  • Spanish Painting 1200-1665
    Hansen, Emma
    Multilingual EditionFrom the medieval works of Romanesque and Gothic art to the golden age of the Baroque, from the famous Beatus Apocalypses to Diego Velázquez and Francisco de Zurbarán, Spanish painting offers a unique abundance of artistic themes and styles. Intimately connected with the needs and power displays of the Habsburg dynasty and the Church, Spanish art developed a...

    $799.00 MXN

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  • Cool apartments
    Martínez Alonso, Claudia
    Multilingual editionThis visual idea book is just as inspiring for interior designers and architects as it is for private designers. ...

    $199.00 MXN

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  • Renacimiento 1420-1600
    Menzel, Kristina
    Edición multilingüeEl origen de la pintura renacentista se encuentra en Italia. Con el retorno a la antigüedad, se revivió una visión del mundo que permitió al hombre determinar su propia existencia. En la pintura se desarrollaron nuevos temas pictóricos y una nueva forma de representación orientada a la realidad. Este naturalismo, por su parte, fue influenciado significativame...

    $799.00 MXN

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