Búsqueda de ARTÍCULOS DEL AUTOR: oe kenzaburo

14 resultados

  • ME
    Hoshino, Tomoyuki / Oe, Kenzaburo (afterword)
    With an afterword by Kenzaburo Oe. Translated from Japanese by Charles De Wolf.This novel centers on the "It's me" telephone scam--often targeting the elderly--that has escalated in Japan in recent years. Typically, the caller identifies himself only by saying, "Hey, it's me," and goes on to claim in great distress that he's been in an accident or lost some money with which he ...

    $293.00 MXN

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  • Cuadernos de Hiroshima
    Oé, Kenzaburo
    En agosto de 1963, el autor se dirigió a Hiroshima para hacer un reportaje sobre la novena conferencia mundial contra las armas nucleares. Oé se interesó de inmediato por los testimonios de los olvidados del 6 de agosto de 1945: ancianos condenados a la soledad, mujeres desfiguradas y, sobre todo, los médicos que luchaban contra los efectos tóxicos de la radiación. Oé vio en su...

    $445.00 MXN

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  • Changeling, The
    Oe, Kenzaburo
    Oe introduces Kogito Choko, a writer in his early sixties, as he rekindles a childhood friendship with his estranged brother-in-law, the renowned filmmaker Goro Hanawa. Goro sends Kogito a trunk of tapes he has recorded of reflections about their friendship, but as Kogito is listening one night, he hears something odd. I'm going to head over to the Other Side now, Goro says, an...

    $276.00 MXN

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  • Rouse Up O Young Men Of The New Age
    Oé, Kenzaburo
    Wise and illuminating, Rouse Up O Young Men of the New Age! is a masterpiece from one of the world's finest writers, Kenzaburo Oe -- winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. K is a famous writer living in Tokyo with his wife and three children, one of whom is mentally disabled. K's wife confronts him with the information that this child, Eeyore, has been doing disturbing thing...

    $225.00 MXN

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  • Silent Cry, The
    Oe, Kenzaburo
    The Silent Cry follows two brothers who return to their ancestral home, a village in densely forested Western Japan. After decades of separation, the reunited men are each preoccupied by their own personal crises. One brother grapples with the recent suicide of his dearest friend, the birth of his disabled son, and his wife's increasing alcoholism. The other brother sets out to...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids
    Oe, Kenzaburo

    $313.00 MXN

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  • A Quiet Life
    Oe, Kenzaburo

    $293.00 MXN

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  • Personal Matter, A
    Óe, Kenzaburó

    $278.00 MXN

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  • Somersault
    Oe, Kenzaburo

    $243.00 MXN

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  • Renacimiento
    Oé, Kenzaburo
    Cuando Goro, un afamado director de cine japonés, se suicida, su cuñado y amigo, el escritor Kogito, queda devastado y no consigue entender los motivos que han provocado esta fatal decisión. Para huir de la tristeza viaja a Alemania, donde poco a poco se le revelan las posibles causas de la muerte de Goro: su aventura sexual con una joven o el ataque de la yakuza, la temida maf...

    $718.00 MXN

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  • Arrancad las semillas, fusilad a los niños
    Oé, Kenzaburo
    La primera novela del más celebrado escritor japonés viviente, "Arrancad las semillas, fusilad a los niños" narra las proezas de quince chicos adolescentes de un reformatorio, evacuados en tiempo de guerra a un remoto pueblo de montaña, cuyo alcalde cree que hay que suprimir a los revoltosos «desde la semilla». El narrador, que es el cabecilla de la banda, su hermano pequeño y ...

    $430.00 MXN

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  • Hiroshima Notes
    Oe, Kenzaburo
    Hiroshima Notes is a powerful statement on the Hiroshima bombing and its terrible legacy by the 1994 Nobel laureate for literature. Oe’s account of the lives of the many victims of Hiroshima and the valiant efforts of those who cared for them, both immediately after the atomic blast and in the years that follow, reveals the horrific extent of the devastation. It is a heartrendi...

    $351.00 MXN

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  • Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness
    Oe, Kenzaburo
    These four novels display Oe’s passionate and original vision. Oe was ten when American jeeps first drove into the mountain village where he lived, and his literary work reveals the tension and ambiguity forged by the collapse of values of his childhood on the one hand and the confrontation with American writers on the other. The earliest of his novels included here, Prize Stoc...

    $333.00 MXN

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  • ¡Despertad, oh jóvenes de la nueva era!
    Oé, Kenzaburo
    K vive en Tokio con su esposa y sus tres hijos. Eeyore, el mayor, padece una enfermedad mental, y durante un dramático acceso alza un cuchillo contra su madre. En lugar de afrontar la situación, la reacción de K es sentarse y leer en su estudio. Con el tiempo, los problemas de Eeyore obligan a K a volver a intervenir en la vida familiar, pero entonces sus lecturas de William Bl...

    $218.00 MXN

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