Búsqueda de ARTÍCULOS DEL AUTOR: bajac quentin

5 resultados

  • Robert Doisneau: Pescador de imágenes
    Bajac, Quentin
    Un beso en el Hôtel de Ville, críos revoltosos, obreros en la fábrica, gente de mundo, anónimos, retratos de Picasso y Tati... A Robert Doisneau (1912-1994) se le conoce sobre todo por sus fotografías desenfadadas, espontáneas y poéticas de París y su periferia. 120 documentos para presentar su obra, desde sus dibujos de juventud y sus agendas personales hasta reportajes sobre ...

    $215.00 MXN

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  • Photography at MoMA: 1960 to Now
    Bajac, Quentin (Ed.)
    The Museum of Modern Art has one of the greatest collections of 20th-century photography in the world. As one of three volumes dedicated to a new history of photography published by the Museum, this publication comprises a comprehensive catalogue of the collection post-1960s and brings much-needed new critical perspective to the most prominent artists working with the photograp...

    $1,301.00 MXN

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  • Photography at Moma 1920-1960
    Bajac, Quentin (Ed.)
    The history of photography has been told many times, but never before through the incomparable collection of photographs at The Museum of Modern Art. As the second volume in a set of three books that together present a new and comprehensive history of photography through works from MoMA’s collection, this publication charts the medium during the height of the modernist period, ...

    $1,376.00 MXN

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  • MoMA Now
    Lowry, Glenn / Bajac, Quentin / Cherix, Christophe / Comer, Stuart / Roy, Rajendra / Stierli, Martino / Temkin, Ann
    Published as a large-format hardcover to celebrate the museum's 90th anniversary and the October 2019 opening of the new MoMA after its historic expansionIn October 2019, the Museum of Modern Art celebrates its 90th anniversary with the reopening of its extensively renovated and expanded midtown campus. Published to accompany the reopening, MoMA Now is an enlarged and expanded ...

    $1,301.00 MXN

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  • Karen Knorr
    Bajac, Quentin
    La obra de Knorr ha generado un hondo compromiso y una fascinación por la taxidermia, los objetos y los espacios; es una práctica conceptual que de forma continua y coherente perturba la mirada institucional. Knorr abarca el pluralismo y la deconstrucción de instituciones, para explorar el lenguaje, el deseo, el género y la fantasía. Aunque estos temas dominaron el paisaje teór...

    $630.00 MXN

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