Búsqueda de ARTÍCULOS DEL AUTOR: applebaum anne

7 resultados

  • Entre Este y Oeste
    Applebaum, Anne
    Ganadora del Premio PulitzerEn el otoño de 1991, en plena desintegración del imperio soviético, Anne Applebaum -ganadora del Premio Pulitzer por Gulag. Historia de los campos de concentración soviéticos- emprendió un viaje desde el Báltico hasta el mar Negro, pasando por Lituania, Bielorrusia, Los Cárpatos y Ucrania, con la intención de comprender la nueva configuración de unos...

    $389.00 MXN

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  • Hambruna roja
    Hambruna roja, de Anne Applebaum. Trabajo periodístico que revela la historia de uno de los peores crímenes de la era soviética: la hambruna sin precedentes provocada por la colectivización de tierras a manos de Stalin que acabó con las vidas de al menos cinco millones de personas entre 1931 y 1934 en la URSS, de los cuales cuatro millones era...

    $459.00 MXN

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  • Gulag
    Applebaum, Anne
    PULITZER PRIZE WINNER • This magisterial and acclaimed history offers the first fully documented portrait of the Gulag, from its origins in the Russian Revolution, through its expansion under Stalin, to its collapse in the era of glasnost.“A tragic testimony to how evil ideologically inspired dictatorships can be.” –The New York TimesThe Gulag—a vast array of Soviet concentrati...

    $381.00 MXN

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  • El ocaso de la democracia
    Las democracias liberales de Occidente están bajo asedio y el auge del autoritarismo es una cuestión que debería preocuparnos a todos. En El ocaso de la democracia, Anne Applebaum -premio Pulitzer y una de las primeras historiadoras en alertar sobre las peligrosas tendencias antidemocráticas en Occidente- expone de forma clara y concisa las trampas del nacionalismo y la autocra...

    $269.00 MXN

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  • Twilight of Democracy
    Applebaum, Anne
    From the United States and Britain to continental Europe and beyond, liberal democracy is under siege, while authoritarianism is on the rise. In Twilight of Democracy, Anne Applebaum, an award-winning historian of Soviet atrocities who was one of the first American journalists to raise an alarm about antidemocratic trends in the West, explains the lure of nationalism and autocr...

    $278.00 MXN

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  • Iron Curtain
    Applebaum, Anne
    In the much-anticipated follow-up to her Pulitzer Prize-winning Gulag, acclaimed journalist Anne Applebaum delivers a groundbreaking history of how Communism took over Eastern Europe after World War II and transformed in frightening fashion the individuals who came under its sway. Iron Curtain describes how, spurred by Stalin and his secret police, the Communist regimes of East...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • Red Famine
    Applebaum, Anne
    With searing clarity, Red Famine demonstrates the horrific consequences of a campaign to eradicate 'backwardness' when undertaken by a regime in a state of war with its own people. --The EconomistIn 1929 Stalin launched his policy of agricultural collectivization--in effect a second Russian revolution--which forced millions of peasants off their land and onto collective farms. ...

    $397.00 MXN

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