White Nights: Annotated Edition

White Nights: Annotated Edition

Dostoevsky, Fyodor

$153.00 MXN


“He is the man more than any other who has created modern prose, and intensified it to its present-day pitch.”
—James Joyce

In Fyodor Dostoevsky’s White Nights, a young man grapples with profound feelings of isolation and solitude in the bustling city of Saint Petersburg. Amidst his desolation, he encounters a captivating young woman, with whom he forms a deep emotional connection. As their bond intensifies, the young man finds himself entranced by the allure of love, yet his affection remains unreciprocated. The woman, consumed by thoughts of her absent lover, cannot return his feelings. Potent and profound, White Nights explores the universal themes of unrequited love, longing, and the ache of loneliness. The bittersweet nature of the tale and its insights into the human heart render it a deeply poignant and unforgettable work of literature.

This Warbler Classics edition includes Dostoevsky’s masterful and moving short story “The Dream of a Ridiculous Man” and a detailed biographical timeline.

Warbler Classics
Año de edición:
Literatura rusa
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