Way, The / The Enemy / The Key (Box Set)

Way, The / The Enemy / The Key (Box Set)

The Obstacle is the Way / Ego is the Enemy / Stillness is the Key

Holiday, Ryan

$1,564.00 MXN


A timeless trilogy of the extraordinary bestsellers The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy, and Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday, now available for the first time ever in a beautiful boxed set edition.

For more than two thousand years, Stoic philosophy has been the secret operating system of wise leaders, artists, athletes, brilliant thinkers, and ordinary citizens. With his acclaimed, bestselling books The Obstacle is the Way, Ego is the Enemy, and Stillness is the Key, Ryan Holiday has helped bring the Stoicism of Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus to hundreds of thousands of new readers all over the world.

The Obstacle is the Way teaches you how to let go of the things you can't control and turn every new obstacle into an opportunity to get better, stronger, and tougher. Ego is the Enemy teaches you how to overcome and master the greatest obstacle in life--our insatiable ego. Stillness is the Key teaches you why slowing down is essential to charging ahead.

This boxed set offers the Stoic insights and exercises from all three books featuring a vast array of stories and examples, from literature to philosophy to history.

If you or anyone you know are seeking inner peace, clarity, and effectiveness in our crazy world, this collection will help immensely and makes a great gift. It will help you find the serenity, self-knowledge, and resilience you need to live well.

Start your journey in the art of living.

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  • Courage Is Calling
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