Tierra, planeta de vida

Tierra, planeta de vida

Michel Jeneusse, Albin

$152.00 MXN


Why arent the oceans saltier? What is acid rain? What is the greenhouse effect? Is there life below the earth? What are the effects of contamination? Through this books experiments, children will be able to answer these questions and learn more about life on planet Earth and about ecology.

Playco Editores
Año de edición:
Infantil - primeros conocimientos

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  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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  • Vida en el agua. La
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    How does a sea lion sleep in the sea without sinking? How much does a whale weigh? How does a squids move from one place to another? With the help of this book, children will be able to do experiments, understand and answer these and other questions about life in the water. ...

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  • Clima y las estaciones, El
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    Why do the seasons exist? Does the ocean play an important part in the continents weather? What would happen if the planets weather were to overheat itself? Through this books experiments, children will be able to answer these questions and learn more about the weather and the seasons. ...

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