Secret Garden, The

Secret Garden, The

Hodgson Burnett, Frances

$260.00 MXN


The classic children’s story, now available in a new package!

A classic piece of children’s literature first published as a novel in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden is a story of transformation and renewal. Unwanted by her parents, Mary Lennox, a spoiled, selfish young girl is raised in India by servants. When cholera breaks out killing her parents and most of the servants, Mary is sent to live with a mostly absent uncle in England. It seems as though no one cares for Mary, and that Mary will never care for anyone--until she steps into the secret garden, and her life begins to change.

Now available in this Canterbury Classics edition with a special heat-burnished cover, foil stamping, and designed endpapers, this hopeful and beautiful novel is the perfect gift for every child--and every adult who remembers that first moment when he or she began to finally grow up.

About the Word Cloud Classics series:

Classic works of literature with a clean, modern aesthetic! Perfect for both old and new literature fans, the Word Cloud Classics series from Canterbury Classics provides a chic and inexpensive introduction to timeless tales. With a higher production value, including heat burnished covers and foil stamping, these eye-catching, easy-to-hold editions are the perfect gift for students and fans of literature everywhere.

Canterbury Classics
Literatura inglesa
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