Salmon of doubt, The

Salmon of doubt, The

Adams, Douglas

$450.00 MXN
Ballantine Books
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  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
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  • So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
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    Back on Earth with nothing more to show for his long, strange trip through time and space than a ratty towel and a plastic shopping bag, Arthur Dent is ready to believe that the past eight years were all just a figment of his stressed-out imagination. But a gift-wrapped fishbowl with a cryptic inscription, the mysterious disappearance of Earth?s dolphins, and the discovery of h...

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  • Mostly Harmless
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    Douglas Adams is back with the amazing, logic-defying, but-why-stop-now fifth novel in the Hitchhiker Trilogy. Here is the epic story of Random, who sets out on a transgalactic quest to find the planet of her ancestors. ...

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  • Life, the universe and everything
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