Robert Capa: The Work 1932-1954

Robert Capa: The Work 1932-1954

L'Opera / L'oeuvre

Bauret, Gabriel (ed.) / Capa, Robert

$694.00 MXN


A deep dive into the iconic oeuvre of the man dubbed by Picture Post “the greatest war photographer in the world”

Hungarian American photographer Robert Capa (1913–54) lived a short but eventful life. Engaged in the highly dangerous occupation of combat and adventure photography, Capa risked his life many times for his reportage, and ultimately died while at work during the First Indochina War.

This volume traces the main stages of his career, featuring Capa’s most iconic works?images that now loom large in the canon of 20th-century photography. Not only a retrospective of Capa's work, the book also aims to reveal the photographer’s personality through more than 300 of his black-and-white images. Including several points of view of the same event on different occasions, as if to reproduce a movement of field-counter-field, the volume also conveys the cinematic character of his work.

Silvana Editoriale
Año de edición:
Fotografía documental
Pasta blanda

Disponibilidad en Centros

  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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