In this now-legendary graphic novel series that serves as the inspiration for the hit AMC television series, Jesse Custer was just a small-town preacher in Texas...until his congregation was flattened by powers beyond his control and the preacher became imbued with abilities beyond anyone's understanding.
Now possessed by Genesis--the unholy offspring of an angel and demon--Jesse holds Word of God, an ability to command anyone or anything with a mere utterance. And he'll use this power to hold the Lord accountable for the people He has forsaken.
From the ashes of a small-town church to the bright lights of New York City to the backwoods of Louisiana, Jesse Custer cuts a righteous path across the soul of America in his quest for the divine--an effort that will be met by every evil that Heaven and Earth can assemble. Joined by his gun-toting girlfriend, Tulip, and the hard-drinking Irish vampire Cassidy, Jesse will stop at nothing to fulfill his quest to find God.
The powerhouse creative team of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon bring readers on a violent and riotous journey across the country in this award-winning Vertigo series, beginning with Preacher: The 25th Anniversary Omnibus Vol. 1!
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