Plays One

Plays One

Someone is Going to Come Home; The Name; The Guitar Man; The Child

Fosse, Jon

$571.00 MXN


Includes the plays: Someone is Going to Come, The Guitar Man, The Name and The Child

In Someone is Going to Come the two of them want to be together, just the two of them, so they leave the city and buy a remote house by the sea. But is it possible to do what they want to do? Won't somebody come? Surely someone will come.

The Guitar Man is a poignant monologue in which a busker sings songs to an audience that is always on the move, always passing him by.

The Name (winner of the Ibsen Prize in Norway) tells the story of an estranged family forced to live under one roof. When a pregnant girl and the father of the child have nowhere to live, they move into her parents' house. But the parents have never met the father-to-be, and don't yet know about the pregnancy.

In The Child a man and a woman find each other in a bus stop on a rainy night. They hold each other close. They rent an old house out of town. The woman becomes pregnant. But the child is too small to survive.

In these four varied plays Jon Fosse's unique linguistic style, at once poetic and naturalistic, magnifies the love and pain of ordinary people seeking to live their lives.

Oberon Books
Año de edición:
Pasta blanda

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