Parasyte: Full Color Collection. Vol. 2

Parasyte: Full Color Collection. Vol. 2

Iwaaki, Hitoshi

$424.00 MXN


The sci-fi horror manga classic returns, with an updated translation and lettering, in a fully-colorized, premium-quality hardcover for the first time! If you’ve never read the story of Shinichi and the polite and murderous creature infesting his right arm–or even if you already own the series–there’s never been a better way to collect it.

Presented in eight volumes containing about 300 pages of manga each.

Shinichi Izumi might seem like an ordinary high school boy, but he harbors a deadly secret–an alien parasite has taken him as its host. After failing to subsume him completely, the parasite was forced to settle in his right arm, and a strange partnership was born. With threats around every corner–parasite and human alike–they must learn to work together or perish. But this parasite is ruthless, deadly, and utterly indifferent to human suffering…and it seems to have an influence on Shinichi that’s more than skin deep. As Shinichi fights for control of his body, can he also hold on to his humanity?

For more than 30 years, new generations of readers have been riveted to this unlikely buddy story that unfolds amid a world of monstrosities that never stay hidden for long. Since its first release, in 1988, Parasyte has inspired live-action films, spinoffs, and, in 2015, a global hit anime series. The Full Color Collection presents Hitoshi Iwaaki’s original manga in hardcover for the first time, with each page carefully colorized and a revised translation for 2022. There’s never been a better time to stay up late and get your hand on Parasyte!

Kodansha comics
Año de edición:
Pasta dura

Disponibilidad en Centros

  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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