Marvelous Menagerie

Marvelous Menagerie

Animals in Ukiyo-E Masterpieces

Nakau, Ei / Katsushika, Hokusai / Utagawa, Hiroshige

$548.00 MXN


A large collection of animals that appear in ukiyo-e prints from the Edo Period, from pets to rare animals!
Following the global hits Something Wicked from Japan and Once more unto the breach comes the third title in the Ukiyo-e Masterpieces Series! This time, read and understand the world of ukiyo-e from the perspective of animals.
In ukiyo-e, many animals that interact with humans are depicted. Beginning with cats, dogs, and rabbits, we move on to ferocious tigers and elephants, imported camels, peacocks, and parrots, and even to fantastical beasts. This book introduces numerous charming works through interesting chapters such as “Pets of the Edo Period,” “Working Animals,” “Rare Animals” and more.

Featuring 140 gorgeous works by famous ukiyo-artists including Utamaro, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Yoshitoshi and others, depicting cute, funny, and at times suspicious animals.
Those who like Japanese culture will love this book! And of course it’s also great for animal lovers, too. The customs of the Edo Period, when humans and animals lived side-by-side, are now vividly brought back to life.

PIE Books
Año de edición:
Pasta blanda

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