Lemire, Jeff / Sorrentino, Andrea
Everyone knows The Joker doesn t have the most promising history with psychotherapists. In fact, no one s even been able to diagnose him. But that doesn t matter to Dr. Ben Arnell; he s determined to be the one to unravel this unknowable mind. And there s no way The Joker could ever get through the therapeutic walls Ben has built around himself. Right? There s no way The Joker s been entering his house at night right? There s no way The Joker has stood over his son s bed and put that book in his hands, the one with the, the, the The Eisner Award-nominated creative team of writer Jeff Lemire and artist Andrea Sorrentino (Green Arrow, Gideon Falls) reunite for a psychological horror story that delves into the bottomless insanity of The Joker.
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