Hannibal Lecter, My Father

Hannibal Lecter, My Father

Acker, Kathy

$490.00 MXN
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Año de edición:
Literatura de terror
Pasta blanda

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  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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Otros libros del autor

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  • Don Quixote
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    Kathy Acker's Don Quixote is an indomitable woman on a formidable quest: to become a knight and defeat the evil enchanters of modern America by pursuing "the most insane idea that any woman can think of. Which is to love."In this visionary world, Don Quixote journeys through American history to the final days of the Nixon administration, passing on the way through a New York re...

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  • Aborto en la escuela
    Acker, Kathy
    Aborto en la escuela (1984) es su obra definitiva, la novela que acabó de encumbrarla. Janey, su protagonista, se va de casa porque su padre –que también es su amante– se ha liado con otra mujer, y emprende un largo viaje hacia el fin de la noche narrado mediante todo tipo de recursos: «cut-ups» a o Burroughs, reescrituras y parodias de otros escritores (Hawthorne y Sade, Shake...

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  • In Memoriam to Identity
    Acker, Kathy
    In this characteristically sexy, daring, and hyperliterate novel, Kathy Acker interweaves the stories of three characters who share the same tragic flaw: a predilection for doomed, obsessive love. Rimbaud, the delinquent symbolist prodigy, is deserted by his lover Verlaine time and time again. Airplane takes a job dancing at Fun City, the seventh tier of the sex industry, in or...

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  • My Mother
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    Based loosely on the relationship between Colette Peignot and Georges Bataille, My Mother: Demonology is the powerful story of a woman's struggle with the contradictory impulses for love and solitude. At the dawn of her adult life, Laure becomes involved in a passionate and all-consuming love affair with her companion, B. But this ultimately leaves her dissatisfied, as she ackn...

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  • Portrait of an Eye, The
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