Gravel, Vol. 1

Gravel, Vol. 1

Ellis, Warren

$519.00 MXN
Avatar Press
Libros genérica

Disponibilidad en Centros

  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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Otros libros del autor

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    The acclaimed TREES series, currently being adapted for television, returns with a brand new story of murder and ghosts.In the remote Russian village of Toska, there's a dead body by the leg of the Tree that landed eleven years ago. Police sergeant Klara Voranova, still haunted by that day, has no idea how this murder will change everything, nor what awaits her in the Tree's sh...

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  • Ritual de muerte
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  • Wolfskin Vol. 1
    Ellis, Warren
    The only way a nomadic barbarian can survive an onslaught of enemies is by consuming a sacred mushroom and communing with the murder god of his warrior people... an act that may bring about an uncontrollable fury and the slaughter of many innocents.Before history was recorded in stone and ink, some men wrote it in blood! Tormented by his past deeds on the field of battle, a nom...

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  • Freakangels
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    Twenty-three years ago, twelve strange children were born in England at exactly the same moment. Six year later, the world ended. Today, eleven strange 23-year-olds are living in and defending Whitechapel, maybe the last real settlement in flooded London. They've made a new friend, and together they successfully defended their home from raiders ? but the post-apocalyptic drowne...

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  • Nina Simone's Gum
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    From award-winning musician and composer Warren Ellis comes the unexpected and inspiring story of a piece of chewing gum. Featuring an introduction from Nick Cave.On Thursday 1 July, 1999, Dr Nina Simone gave a rare performance as part of Nick Cave’s Meltdown Festival. After the show, in a state of awe, Warren Ellis crept onto the stage, took Dr Simone’s piece of chewed gum fro...

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