Farthest shore, The

Farthest shore, The

Earthsea Cycle

Guin, Ursula K. Le

$207.00 MXN
Simon Pulse
Libros genérica
Pasta blanda

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Otros libros del autor

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  • Other Wind
    Guin, Ursula K. Le
    Haunted by dreams of the dead who seek to invade Earthsea through him, the sorcerer Alder enlists the aid of Ged, a former Archmage, who advises him to find the holiest place in the world, which holds the key to preserving Earthsea. The sorcerer Alder fears sleep. The dead are pulling him to them at night. Through him they may free themselves and invade Earthsea. Alder seeks ad...

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  • Wonderful Alexander ant he catwings
    Guin, Ursula K. Le
    This beloved series chronicles the many adventures of the Catwings, from their move to the country to their meeting the feisty Wonderful Alexander. Beautiful Victorian style illustrations by S.D. Schindler complement the classic stories. ...

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  • Beginning Place, The
    Guin, Ursula K. Le
    From multi-award-winning, literary legend Ursula K. Le Guin comes a speculative fiction classic, The Beginning Place.Fleeing from the monotony of his life, Hugh Rogers finds his way to the beginning place--a gateway to Tembreabrezi, an idyllic, unchanging world of eternal twilight.Irena Pannis was thirteen when she first found the beginning place. Now, seven years later, she ha...

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  • Tehanu
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