

The Discipline if Getting Things Done

Bossidy, Larry / Charan, Ram / Burck, Charles

$483.00 MXN


When Execution was first published, it changed the way we did our jobs by focusing on the critical importance of "the discipline of execution": the ability to make the final leap to success by actually getting things done. Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan now reframe their empowering message for a world in which the old rules have been shattered, radical change is becoming routine, and the ability to execute is more important than ever. Now and for the foreseeable future:

- Growth will be slower. But the company that executes well will have the confidence, speed, and resources to move fast as new opportunities emerge.
- Competition will be fiercer, with companies searching for any possible advantage in every area from products and technologies to location and management.
- Governments will take on new roles in their national economies, some as partners to business, others imposing constraints. Companies that execute well will be more attractive to government entities as partners and suppliers and better prepared to adapt to a new wave of regulation.
- Risk management will become a top priority for every leader. Execution gives you an edge in detecting new internal and external threats and in weathering crises that can never be fully predicted.

Execution shows how to link together people, strategy, and operations, the three core processes of every business. Leading these processes is the real job of running a business, not formulating a "vision" and leaving the work of carrying it out to others. Bossidy and Charan show the importance of being deeply and passionately engaged in an organization and why robust dialogues about people, strategy, and operations result in a business based on intellectual honesty and realism.

With paradigmatic case histories from the real world (including examples like the diverging paths taken by Jamie Dimon at JPMorgan Chase and Charles Prince at Citigroup)Execution provides the realistic and hard-nosed approach to business success that could come only from authors as accomplished and insightful as Bossidy and Charan.

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