E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth's Core!

E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at the Earth's Core!

Guardians #2

Joyce, William

$465.00 MXN
Atheneum Books

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    When we last saw the Guardians, they were celebrating their victory during Bright Night, the final great Battle of the Moon, where they defeated Pitch once and for all. Or so they thought. Now, many years later, the Guardians have settled into their final selves, embracing their public images and the Earth Holidays. But the world has not been without evil since Pitch’s imprison...

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  • E. Aster Bunnymund and the Warrior Eggs at...
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    Pitch, the Nightmare King, and his Fearlings had been soundly driven back by Nicholas St. North and company in the first Guardians’ adventure. But now Pitch has disappeared completely—and out of sight does NOT make for out of mind. It seems certain that he’s plotting a particularly nefarious revenge, and the Guardians suspect he might have gone underground. But how can they fin...

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  • Mischievians, The
    Joyce, William
    Strange smells. Disappearing remotes. That itch you just can’t reach. It’s not your fault! It’s the Mischievians, an ancient race of global mischief-makers who do all the things that embarrass you. All the things that bug you. All the things that YOU get blamed for!There is no cause for alarm (sorta). Come meet the Homework Eater, the fiend who steals your homework! See the End...

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  • Hombre de la Luna, El
    Joyce, William
    Descubre la saga que ha inspirado la película de DreamWorks El origen de los Guardianes.El Hombre de la Luna no siempre ha sido un hombre, ni siempre ha estado en la Luna.Hace mucho tiempo fue pequeño, hasta que una batalla contra el malvado Sombra, el Rey de las Pesadillas, lo dejó huérfano y le empujó a una aventura que le convertiría en el primer Guardián de la Infancia. ...

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  • Man in the Moon, The
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