Dragon Ball Z Vol. 5

Dragon Ball Z Vol. 5

Toriyama, Akira

$529.00 MXN


After years of training and adventure, Goku has become Earth's ultimate warrior. And his son, Gohan, shows even greater promise. But the stakes are increasing as even deadlier enemies threaten the planet. DRAGON BALL Z is the ultimate science fiction/martial arts manga.

A Collection of Volumes 13 - 15!

Trunks, a mysterious warrior from the future, has arrived to warn Son Goku and pals of a horrendous menace that could destroy the universe. Dr. Gero--the diabolical genius of the Red Ribbon Army--has constructed androids designed to defeat Goku and take over the world. Goku must locate and destroy these androids before they're activated--or face certain doom!

But little do they know that another visitor from the future is watching their every move. Another hideous creature from the demented mind of Dr. Gero, this monster was created from the cells of the most powerful beings in the universe--including those of Son Goku! Between deadly androids and a biologically engineered nightmare, Goku will have to transcend the power of a Super Saiyan if he's going to prevail!

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