

Roth, Veronica

$429.00 MXN
Literatura fantástica

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Otros libros del autor

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    Cyra Noavek and Akos Kereseth have grown up in enemy countries locked in a long-standing fight for dominance over their shared planet. When Akos and his brother are kidnapped by the ruling Noavek family, Akos is forced to serve Cyra, the sister of a dictator who governs with violence and fear. Cyra is known for her deadly power of transferring extraordinary pain unto others wit...

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  • Allegiant
    Roth, Veronica
    What if your whole world was a lie? What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything? What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected? The explosive conclusion to Veronica Roth's #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy reveals the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent. Reviews:...

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  • Divergent Series Ultimate Four-Book Box Set
    Roth, Veronica
    Available together for the first time—all three books in the #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy, plus the companion volume told from the perspective of the immensely popular character Tobias. Perfect for established fans who want to own the full Divergent library or readers new to the series, this box set includes Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant, and Four: A Diverg...

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  • Divergent Series
    Roth, Veronica
    The definitive box set for Divergent fans! This four-book set includes paperbacks of the three books in the #1 New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy, plus the companion volume told from the perspective of the immensely popular character Tobias, all wrapped up in a dazzling keepsake box.This set is perfect for established fans who want to own the full Divergent library, r...

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  • Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy...
    Roth, Veronica
    The best science fiction and fantasy stories of 2021, selected by series editor John Joseph Adams and guest editor Veronica Roth.This year's selection of science fiction and fantasy stories, chosen by series editor John Joseph Adams and bestselling author of the Divergent series Veronica Roth, showcases a crop of authors that are willing to experiment and tantalize readers with...

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  • Poster Girl
    Roth, Veronica
    Sonya Kantor knows this slogan--she lived by it for most of her life. For decades, everyone in the Seattle-Portland megalopolis lived under it, as well as constant surveillance in the form of the Insight, an ocular implant that tracked every word and every action, rewarding or punishing by a rigid moral code set forth by the Delegation.Then there was a revolution. The Delegatio...

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