Collect raindrops

Collect raindrops

The seasons gathered

McClure, Nikki

$350.00 MXN


Armed with an X-acto knife, artist Nikki McClure painstakingly cuts out her images from a single sheet of black paper and creates a bold language that translates the complex poetry of motherhood, nature and activism into a simple and endearing picture. The nature of her work inherently draws the eye inwards, as each element has to be connected to the one next to it in some way, creating a fragile network of shapes and lines. Nikki McClure makes serene pictures of nature and her lilting portraits of animals offer a peaceful oasis from the visual overload of city life. Her work also depicts the virtues of hard labour and patience, which is inherent in her process as well as in the images themselves: weathered hands, washing dishes, people sweeping, mothers caring for their babies and farmers working the land. There is also a large element of celebration. McClure encourages taking the time to roll around in the grass and getting wet from the early morning dew; sitting down on the ground and grabbing hold of the earth; and looking up at the stars to dream. In "Collect Raindrops", McClure magnifies the importance of simple things, like the change of seasons. Her images exude an optimism that revolves around community, sustenance, parenting and appreciating both the urban and rural landscape, undoubtedly influenced by her home in the Northwest and specifically Olympia.

Arte contemporáneo

Disponibilidad en Centros

  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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