

The Ultimate and Definitive Guide to Learn The Fundamental Chess Openings, All The Modern Strategies and Tactics to Break The Bank Even if You Are a Beginner

Adams, Nigel

$432.00 MXN


Are You Interested In Chess, But Never Knew The Theory Behind All Killer Moves? With The Help Of This Easy-to-Follow Guide, You Will Not Only Win in Chess, But in Various Other Aspects of Life!

Did you know that playing chess can actually raise your IQ levels and does well in promoting brain growth?

There's quite a bit of scientific proof stating that games like chess stimulate numerous parts of the brain's hemispheres. If you hit the gym to tone your body, then playing chess is a great workout for your brain, no questions asked.

By doing that, you are exposing yourself to be better in coming up with great ideas (Creativity), planning your calendar (Time Management), managing difficult situations under pressure (Problem-Solving), or even retaining more information in your memory capacity (Memory Skills Improvement).

When you understand the game and how it is played, it can get fiercely intense and thrilling, just as a full stadium on a Sunday's football derby (blasted with the shouts of a roaring crowd that happen to be your thoughts on what move you should take next...)

With the help of This Book you will:

- Go Through A Proper Introduction to the Game of Chess and understand why it is so vital for the mind and brain (only a few benefits were mentioned here, you are about to reveal many other)

- Learn Easy and Effective Beginner Strategies to open the game, moves to tackle mid-game with, and tricks to wrap it up as a win (practise and master these to hop on the next level)

- Experience A Dramatic Health Improvement while testing different game approaches (studies show that playing chess prevents Alzheimer's and works on both cognitive and communication skills)

- ... And Much More!

Many people are not into chess, often labeling it as a boring board game that takes forever to end, but...

?In the game of chess you always have to think several moves forward to be successful. The time is ticking. Next move is yours.

Ready For It...?

Nigel Adams
Año de edición:
Pasta blanda

Disponibilidad en Centros

  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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