Art of Decadence, The

Art of Decadence, The

European Fantasy Art of the Fin-de-Siécle

Unno, Hiroshi

$1,041.00 MXN


Across time and space, the motifs and images of Decadence are repeatedly depicted in literature, fine arts, music and other art forms. This book presents numerous historically important art works spanning from the 19th century to Surrealism, including notable European illustrators such as Odilon Redon, Gustav Klimt, and many more.

Each chapter comprehensively showcases such art works, grouping them by stylistic category or artistic movement: Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood; Symbolism in France, Germany and Belgium; Wiener Secession; Art Nouveau and Art Deco; Eroticism; book illustrators; Surrealist artists and so on. This collection also explores the theme of the femme fatale through representations of Sirens, mermaids and witches, as well as characters from Greek mythology, modern literary works, and so on.

Approximately 370 great art works are presented in a stylish layout designed by Reiko Harajo, the renowned book designer and creator of the gorgeous book designs of past PIE titles: George Barbier, William Morris and Harry Clarke. These art titles are available in English and include columns on themes related to these works.

The Art of Decadence is sure to become a most treasured book for artists and illustrators, especially those with a keen interest in 19th-century European art. (English/Japanese Bilingual text.)

PIE Books
Historia del arte
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