Anna Karenina: A fashion primer

Anna Karenina: A fashion primer

Adams, Jennifer / Oliver, Alison (Ilus.)

$220.00 MXN


Introduce your little fashionista to classic fashions in Anna Karenina: A BabyLit Fashion Primer. Elegant illustrations of beautiful gowns, uniforms, hats, gloves, cloaks and more are paired with quotes from Little Master Tolstoy’s masterpiece to create a sophisticated book full of the finest fashions.

Jennifer Adams is the author of a dozen books including Remarkably Jane: Notable Quotations on Jane Austen and the popular Y Is for Yorick: A Slightly Irreverent ABC Book for Grown-Ups. Jennifer works as a writer and editor in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Alison Oliver runs Sugar design studio. Alison’s design portfolio includes everything from logos to packaging and product design for clients such as Chronicle Books, Citibabes, and Aerie, as well as Gibbs Smith. She lives in New York.

Gibbs Smith
Novela gráfica y cómic

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