A Separate Reality

A Separate Reality

Castaneda, Carlos

$312.00 MXN


"Carlos Castaneda takes the reader into the very heart of sorcery, challenging both imagination and reason, shaking the very foundations of our belief in what is "natural" and "logical."

In 1961, a young anthropologist subjected himself to an extraordinary apprenticeship with Yaqui Indian spiritual leader don Juan Matus to bring back a fascinating glimpse of a Yaqui Indian's world of "non-ordinary reality" and the difficult and dangerous road a man must travel to become "a man of knowledge." Yet on the bring of that world, challenging to all that we believe, he drew back. Then in 1968, Carlos Castaneda returned to Mexico, to don Juan and his hallucinogenic drugs, and to a world of experience no man from our Western civilization had ever entered before.

Simon & Schuster

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  • Una realidad aparte
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    En nuevas conversaciones con su maestro, el brujo yaqui Juan Matus, Castaneda reanuda su lucha por asimilar el conocimiento arcaico que hace del mundo un lugar lleno de maravillas y misterios, poblado por entidades extrañas, y que permite al iniciado vivir una vida verdadera y ganar poder sobre las cosas. ...

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