Búsqueda de Editorial : BN Publishing

5 resultados

  • Pineal Gland, The
    P Hall, Manly
    Scientists refer to the pineal gland as the "atrophied third eye." Indeed, it, along with the pituitary, is the third eye chakra or energy center, but are more dormant than atrophied. According to Max Heindel's, in the distant past, man was in touch with the inner worlds through an activated pineal and pituitary gland. Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal...

    $365.00 MXN

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  • Magic of Getting What You Want, The
    Schwartz, David J.
    IThe Magic of Getting What You Want is an excellent treatise on the subject of dealing with people. Dr. Schwartz writes in a manner which is direct and easy to understand--a must for writers of self-help books. The concepts are simple. Treat people with kindness, understanding, and assertion, and you will get more of what you want. You will be surprised at the effect a smile ha...

    $403.00 MXN

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  • Book of Five Rings
    Miyamoto, Musashi
    ?Along with Sun Tzu's The Art of War, The Book of Five Rings is considered to be one of the most insightful texts on the subtle arts of confrontation and victory to emerge from Asia. Composed in 1643 by the famed duelist and undefeated samurai Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings analyzes the process of struggle and mastery over conflict that underlies every level of human ...

    $173.00 MXN

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  • Words I Have Lived by
    Peale, Norman Vincent
    Filled with Dr. Peale's favorite quotations from the Bible, Shakespeare, Socrates, Churchill, Einstein, and many others, this marvelous little volume makes a great gift for family, friends, and associates on any occasion. Topics covered include character, faith, perseverance, aging, and more. ...

    $165.00 MXN

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  • Petit Prince, Le
    Saint-Exupery, Antoine de
    Imaginez-vous perdu dans le désert, loin de tout lieu habité, et face à un petit garçon tout blond, surgi de nulle part. Si de surcroît ce petit garçon vous demande avec insistance de dessiner un mouton, vous voilà plus qu'étonné ! À partir de là, vous n'aurez plus qu'une seule interrogation: savoir d'où vient cet étrange petit bonhomme et connaître son histoire. S'ouvre alors ...

    $155.00 MXN

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