

The Science, Medicine, and Mythology of Menstruation

Gunter, Jen

$521.00 MXN


“This book is the brilliant and long needed corrective that we have waited for, since the first time we stuffed a box of pads into a three-ply paper bag and slunk out of a pharmacy. Never again.” —Samantha Bee

New York Times bestselling author of The Menopause Manifesto and "the world's most famous and outspoken gynecologist” (The Guardian) fights myths and fearmongering with real science, inclusive facts, and shame-free advice on the topic that impacts more than 72 million Americans every month: menstruation.

Most women, transgender, and non-binary people who menstruate can expect to have hundreds of periods in a lifetime. So why is real information so hard to find? Despite its significance, most education about menstruation focuses either on increasing the chances of pregnancy or preventing it. And while both are important for many people, those who menstruate deserve to know more about their bodies than just what happens in service to reproduction. At a time when charlatans, politicians, and social media are succeeding in propagating damaging misinformation with real and devastating consequences, Dr. Jen provides the antidote with science, myth busting, and
no-nonsense facts.

Not knowing how your body works makes it challenging to advocate for yourself. Consequently, many suffer in silence thinking their bodies are uniquely broken, or they turn to disreputable sources. Blood is a practical, empowering guide to what’s typical, what’s concerning, and when to seek care—recounted with expertise and frank, fearless wit that have made Dr. Jen today’s most trusted voice in gynecology.

Dr. Jen answers all your period-related questions, including: What exactly happens during menstruation? How heavy is too heavy? How much should periods hurt? and provides essential information about topics such as:

* Why do we menstruate?
* The endometrium’s (the uterine lining’s) fascinating connection to the immune system
* The impact of stress, vaccines, and health on the menstrual cycle
* Menstrual migraines, PMS, and period diarrhea (yes, it’s a thing, unfortunately)
* Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
*Fibroids and other causes of heavy bleeding
* Endometriosis and the latest treatments
*Legitimate menstrual products, and the facts behind toxic shock syndrome

Blood is about much more than biology. It’s an all-in-one, revolutionary guide that will change the way we think about, talk about—and don’t talk about—our bodies and our well-being.

“Requisite reading. A no-nonsense, educational, science-backed, in-depth title about menstruation and the impact it can have on one’s body. This title will empower readers to better understand their bodies and to advocate for themselves in medical situations.” —Library Journal, STARRED REVIEW

Año de edición:
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Disponibilidad en Centros

  • Condesa
  • Polanco
  • Santa Fe
  • Perisur
  • Zona Rosa
  • Roma
  • San Ángel

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