You Can If You Think You Can

You Can If You Think You Can

Peale, Norman Vincent

$348.00 MXN


Norman Vincent Peale, the author of the international bestseller The Power of Positive Thinking--which has had an unprecedented influence on millions of people throughout the world--shares his inspirational classic that shows you how to develop the vital knowledge of inner power to carry you over every obstacle.

When you have a problem--no matter how baffling, difficult, or discouraging it may be, there is one basic principle to remember and apply, according to Dr. Peale: persistence through perception.

He shows how you too, can make the impossible possible by learning how to:
--Motivate yourself
--Believe in yourself and have confidence
--Forget your fears
--Make miracles happen
--Avoid thoughts of failure
--Draw on the resources in your mind
--Ease up and have a sense of humor
--Get on top of things and stay there

These dramatic, heartwarming stories in You Can If You Think You Can show how men and women--of all ages and all walks of life--transformed their lives and careers by following Dr. Peale's philosophy of positive thinking.

Don't miss his other timeless, bestselling classics:

The Power of Positive Thinking: The greatest inspirational bestseller of the century offers confidence without fear, and a life of enrichment and luminous vitality.

Inspiring Messages for Daily Living: Realistic, practical answers to the hundreds of challenges we face from day to day--ordinary problems encountered during personal difficulties, in family relationships, on the job, and in dealing with those around us.

The Art of Real Happiness (written with Smiley Blanton, M.D.): An unusual blend of age-old truths and modern psychiatric techniques. Peale and Blanton identify--and show how to overcome--essential problems and conflicts that so often plague us and frustrate our chances for happiness.

Prentice Hall & IBD
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