Stone Guide to Dog Grooming For All Breeds, The

Stone Guide to Dog Grooming For All Breeds, The

Stone, Ben / Stone, Pearl / Tillinger, Judith (illus.)

$724.00 MXN


The Stone Guide to Dog Grooming For All Breeds presents the broad repertoire of the dog groomer's art for the pleasure and enlightenment of every reader. Comprehensive and comprehensible, this is the widest-ranging work ever on canine beauty culture. Here is the history and development of dog grooming from the beginning to its present sophisticated state. Here are the Basics and the Tricks of the Trade the little secrets that make the big difference in the finished product.

The Stone Guide to Dog Grooming For All Breeds includes grooming instruction for all 125 AKC recognized breeds, mixed breeds and even cats! There are chapters on equipment, setting up a shop and developing a thriving grooming business. This reliable guidance shows how to get the most out of a grooming business and avoid the pitfalls at the same time. Dozens of Specialty clubs have contributed show grooming sections for their breeds, and hundreds of to-the-point photos, drawings and charts show what the authors say as they say it.

The graphic value of the Stone Guide fully matches the expert text. Whether you are an established groomer, a grooming student, an owner who wants to groom the family dog or a hobbyist seeking information on the professional side of dog grooming, you'll find this book a constant, indispensable reference for every question you'll ever have on the subject.

Howell Book House
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