

Howey, Hugh

$398.00 MXN
Ciencia ficción

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Otros libros del autor

  • Dust
    Howey, Hugh
    Wool introduced the world of the silo. Shift told the story of its creation. Dust will describe its downfall. In order for a new world to begin, the old one must fallJuliette, now mayor of Silo 18, doesn’t trust Silo 1, especially its leader, Donald. But in the world of the Silos, there is no black and white—everything is shades of gray. Donald may not be the monster Juliette t...

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  • Shift
    Howey, Hugh
    In this second volume in the New York Times best-selling Silo series, Hugh Howey describes the catastrophic events that led to the creation of the silo— and the beginning of the endIn 2007, the Center for Automation in Nanobiotech (CAN) outlined the hardware and software platforms that would one day allow robots smaller than human cells to make medical diagnoses, conduct repair...

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  • Silo 2
    Howey, Hugh

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  • Silo 3
    Howey, Hugh

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  • Wool
    Howey, Hugh
    The first book in the acclaimed, New York Times best-selling trilogy, Wool is the story of mankind clawing for survival. The world outside has grown toxic, the view of it limited, talk of it forbidden. The remnants of humanity live underground in a single silo.But there are always those who hope, who dream. These are the dangerous people, the residents who infect others with th...

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