Salmon of doubt, The

Salmon of doubt, The

Adams, Douglas

$450.00 MXN
Ballantine Books
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  • Mostly Harmless
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    Douglas Adams is back with the amazing, logic-defying, but-why-stop-now fifth novel in the Hitchhiker Trilogy. Here is the epic story of Random, who sets out on a transgalactic quest to find the planet of her ancestors. ...

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  • Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The
    Adams, Douglas
    Seconds before the Earth is demolished to make way for a galactic freeway, Arthur Dent is plucked off the planet by his friend Ford Prefect, a researcher for the revised edition of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy who, for the last fifteen years, has been posing as an out-of-work actor.Together this dynamic pair begin a journey through space aided by quotes from The Hitchhi...

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  • Life, the Universe and Everything
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  • Life, the universe and everything
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    The unhappy inhabitants of planet Krikkit are sick of looking at the night sky above their heads?so they plan to destroy it. The universe, that is. Now only five individuals stand between the killer robots of Krikkit and their goal of total annihilation.They are Arthur Dent, a mild-mannered space and time traveler who tries to learn how to fly by throwing himself at the ground ...

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