Omnivores Dilemma, The

Omnivores Dilemma, The

A natural history of four meals

Pollan, Michael

$257.00 MXN


What should we have for dinner? Ten years ago, Michael Pollan confronted us with this seemingly simple question and, with The Omnivore’s Dilemma, his brilliant and eye-opening exploration of our food choices, demonstrated that how we answer it today may determine not only our health but our survival as a species. In the years since, Pollan’s revolutionary examination has changed the way Americans think about food. Bringing wide attention to the little-known but vitally important dimensions of food and agriculture in America, Pollan launched a national conversation about what we eat and the profound consequences that even the simplest everyday food choices have on both ourselves and the natural world. Ten years later, The Omnivore’s Dilemma continues to transform the way Americans think about the politics, perils, and pleasures of eating.

Large Print Press
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  • Tu mente bajo los efectos de las plantas
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    Un libro provocador que cambiará la percepción que tenemos de las drogas, las plantas psicoactivas y todo los tabúes que las rodean.«Maravilloso. Derrumba las diferencias entre legal e ilegal, médico y recreativo, exótico y cotidiano, apelando al principio que une a todo ello: las afinidades entre la bioquímica vegetal y la mente humana». The New York Review of BooksUsamos las ...

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  • How to Change Your Mind
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    A brilliant and brave investigation into the medical and scientific revolution taking place around psychedelic drugs--and the spellbinding story of his own life-changing psychedelic experiencesWhen Michael Pollan set out to research how LSD and psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) are being used to provide relief to people suffering from difficult-to-treat cond...

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  • This Is Your Mind on Plants
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    Of all the things humans rely on plants for-sustenance, beauty, medicine, fragrance, flavor, fiber-surely the most curious is our use of them to change consciousness: to stimulate or calm, fiddle with or completely alter, the qualities of our mental experience. Take coffee and tea: People around the world rely on caffeine to sharpen their minds. But we do not usually think of c...

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