

Cusk, Rachel

$295.00 MXN


Rachel Cusk, the award-winning and critically acclaimed author of Outline and Transit, completes the transcendent literary trilogy with Kudos, a novel of unsettling power.

A woman writer visits a Europe in flux, where questions of personal and political identity are rising to the surface and the trauma of change is opening up new possibilities of loss and renewal. Within the rituals of literary culture, Faye finds the human story in disarray amid differing attitudes toward the public performance of the creative persona. She begins to identify among the people she meets a tension between truth and representation, a fissure that accrues great dramatic force as Kudos reaches a profound and beautiful climax.

In this conclusion to her groundbreaking trilogy, Cusk unflinchingly explores the nature of family and art, justice and love, and the ultimate value of suffering. She is without question one of our most important living writers.

Literatura inglesa
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Otros libros del autor

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    A Life’s Work: On Becoming a Mother is Rachel Cusk’s funny, moving, brutally honest account of her early experiences of motherhood. When it was published it 2001, it divided critics and readers. One famous columnist wrote a piece demanding that Cusk’s children be taken into care, saying she was unfit to look after them, and Oprah Winfrey invited her on the show to defend hersel...

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  • Outline
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    Rachel Cusk's Outline is a novel in ten conversations. Spare and lucid, it follows a novelist teaching a course in creative writing over an oppressively hot summer in Athens. She leads her students in storytelling exercises. She meets other visiting writers for dinner. She goes swimming in the Ionian Sea with her neighbor from the plane. The people she encounters speak volubly ...

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  • A contraluz
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    Una escritora inglesa llega a Atenas en pleno verano para impartir unos cursos de escritura. Durante su estancia en la capital griega, la gente que va encontrándose decide sincerarse con ella y contarle aspectos importantes sobre sus propias vidas.En el calor sofocante de la ciudad, los diferentes interlocutores confiesan sus amores, sus ambiciones y sus miedos a la narradora, ...

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  • Country Life, The
    Cusk, Rachel
    The Country Life, Rachel Cusk’s third novel, is a rich and subtle story about embarrassment, awkwardness, and being alone; about families, or the lack of them; and about love in some peculiar guises.“A brilliant oxymoron?a serious farce . . . Cusk’s ability to keep us interested in innumerable human collisions is uncanny.” ?The New YorkerStella Benson sets off for Hilltop, a ti...

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  • Prestigio
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