Illumination and Night Glare

Illumination and Night Glare

Unfinished Autobiography of Carson McCullers, The

McCullers, Carson

$502.00 MXN


More than thirty years after it was written, the autobiography of Carson McCullers, Illumination and Night Glare , will be published for the first time. McCullers, one of the most gifted writers of her generation-the author of Member of the Wedding, Reflections in a Golden Eye , and The Ballad of Sad Cafe -died of a stroke at the age of fifty before finishing this, her last manuscript. Editor Carlos L. Dews has faithfully brought her story back to life, complete with never-before-published letters between McCullers and her husband Reeves, and an outline of her most famous novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter .

Looking back over her life from a precocious childhood in Georgia to her painful decline from a series of crippling strokes, McCullers offers poignant and unabashed remembrances of her early writing success, her family attachments, a troubled marriage to a failed writer, and friendships with literary and film luminaries (Gypsy Rose Lee, Richard Wright, Isak Dinesen, John Huston, Marilyn Monroe), and the intense relationships of the important women in her life.


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