Búsqueda de Editorial : Urbanomic

14 resultados

  • Verdant Inferno/A Scabby Black Brazilian
    Rangel, Alberto / Goddard, Jean-Christophe
    A classic of Brazilian literature is twinned with an overheated tract in which tropical delirium swallows up Western philosophy, attacking the decolonial question with poetic ferocity.A classic of Brazilian literature is twinned with an overheated tract in which tropical delirium swallows up Western philosophy. Both attack the decolonial question with poetic ferocity, ignited b...

    $406.00 MXN

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  • Revolutionary Demonology
    Gruppo di Nun / Ireland, Amy (foreword)
    An anthology of occult resistance: unpredictable and fascinating, at times hallucinatory, sullying politics, philosophy, cybertheory, religion, and music.The End Times are here. The Digital Middle Ages approaches, the plague reaps its deadly harvest, climate apocalypse is around the corner, and fanaticism, fascism, and madness are rampant. The idea that we might gain the upper ...

    $527.00 MXN

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  • Proof of Work
    Myers, Rhea
    A beautifully produced anthology of crypto-artist, writer, and hacker Rhea Myers's pioneering blockchain art, along with a selection of her essays, reviews, and fictions.DAO? BTC? NFT? ETH? ART? WTF? HODL as OG crypto-artist, writer, and hacker Rhea Myers searches for faces in cryptographic hashes, follows a day in the life of a young shibe in the year 2032, and patiently expla...

    $690.00 MXN

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  • X-Risk
    Moynihan, Thomas
    How humanity came to contemplate its possible extinction.From forecasts of disastrous climate change to prophecies of evil AI superintelligences and the impending perils of genome editing, our species is increasingly concerned with the prospects of its own extinction. With humanity's future on this planet seeming more insecure by the day, in the twenty-first century, existentia...

    $536.00 MXN

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  • Fanged Noumena
    Land, Nick
    A dizzying trip through the mind(s) of the provocative and influential thinker Nick Land.During the 1990s British philosopher Nick Land's unique work, variously described as "rabid nihilism," "mad black deleuzianism," and "cybergothic," developed perhaps the only rigorous and culturally-engaged escape route out of the malaise of "continental philosophy" --a route that was impla...

    $642.00 MXN

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  • Parallel Minds
    Tripaldi, Laura
    Insights into the intelligence throughout the natural and technical environment, in the fabric of our devices and dwellings, in our clothes, and under our skin.Is there a way to understand the materials that surround us not as passive objects, but as other intelligences interacting with our own? In Parallel Minds, expert in materials science and nanotechnology Laura Tripaldi de...

    $365.00 MXN

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  • Dialectic of Pop
    Gayraud, Agnes
    A philosophical exploration of pop music that reveals a rich, self-reflexive art form with unsuspected depths.In the first major philosophical treatise on the subject, Agnès Gayraud explores all the paradoxes of pop--its inauthentic authenticity, its mass production of emotion and personal resonance, its repetitive novelty, its precision engineering of seduction--and calls for ...

    $794.00 MXN

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  • Pleromatica, or Elsinore's Trance
    Catren, Gabriel
    A precise and poetic argument for the renewal of transcendental philosophy.The great poets and thinkers of modernity described a situation we still inhabit today: the catastrophic undermining of all foundations, the disorienting relativization of all reference points, the prospect of abandonment to chance and contingency alone—the shipwreck of Mallarmé's Coup de dés. In this pr...

    $725.00 MXN

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  • Omnicide II
    Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak
    An infernal catalogue of manic visionaries, inspired by the poetry of the Middle East.In a new work in which conceptual elaboration, storytelling, and poetics are fused in the infernal heat of the desert, the cycle of Omnicide draws to a close with a philosophy of doom, deception, and the game, plunging headlong into the inevitable, the fatal, and the infinite.A series of contr...

    $665.00 MXN

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  • AUDiNT Unsound : Undead
    Goodman, Steve (ed.)
    Tracing the the potential of sound, infrasound, and ultrasound to access anomalous zones of transmission between the realms of the living and the dead.For as long as recording and communications technologies have existed, operators have evoked the potential of sound, infrasound, and ultrasound to access anomalous zones of transmission between the realms of the living and the de...

    $430.00 MXN

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  • Omnicide
    Mohaghegh, Jason Bahbak
    A fragmentary catalogue of poetic derangements that reveals the ways in which mania communicates with an extreme will to annihilationWhat kind of circumstances provoke an obsessive focus on the most minute object or activity? And what causes such mania to blossom into the lethal conviction that everything must be annihilated? There is no turning away from the imperative to stud...

    $665.00 MXN

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  • Order of Sounds, The
    Bonnet, Francois J.
    This study of the subtlety, complexity, and variety of modes of hearing maps out a “sonorous archipelago”—a heterogeneous set of shifting sonic territories shaped by the vicissitudes of desire and discourse.Profoundly intimate yet immediately giving onto distant spaces, both an “organ of fear” and an echo chamber of anticipated pleasures, an uncontrollable flow subject to uncon...

    $344.00 MXN

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  • Spinal Catastrophism
    Moynihan, Thomas
    Drawing on cryptic intimations in the work of J. G. Ballard, Georges Bataille, William Burroughs, André Leroi-Gourhan, Elaine Morgan, and Friedrich Nietzsche, in the late twentieth century Daniel Barker formulated the axioms of spinal catastrophism: If human morphology, upright posture, and the possibility of language are the ramified accidents of natural history, then psychic ...

    $347.00 MXN

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  • 2+2=5
    Chapman, Jake
    A riotous new take on a classic fictional dystopia, with an all-you-can-eat quinoa buffet of wrongthink.With 2+2=5, George Orwell's flawed masterpiece finally receives a much-needed rectification, as Jake Chapman takes us on a bad trip into an atrocious alt-Eurasia--a nightmare utopia of 24/7 self-expression, mandatory wellbeing, yogic breathing, and promiscuous empathy. Yippie...

    $498.00 MXN

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