Búsqueda de ARTÍCULOS DEL AUTOR: ballard j g

21 resultados

  • Selected Nonfiction, 1962-2007
    Ballard, J. G. / Blacklock, Mark (ed.) / McCarthy, Tom (foreword)
    “A cerebral explorer of the problems of narrative in the wake of Joyce and Woolf, of Borges, of Rulfo and Arlt, Saer is also a stunning poet of place.”—The NationJ. G. Ballard's collected nonfiction from 1962 to 2007, mapping the cultural obsessions, experiences, and insights of one of the most original minds of his generation.J. G. Ballard was a colossal figure in English lite...

    $571.00 MXN

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  • Diary of a Genius
    Dali, Salvador / Ballard J. G.
    DIARY OF A GENIUS stands as one of the seminal texts of Surrealism, revealing the most astonishing and intimate workings of the mind of Salvador Dalí, the eccentric polymath genius who became the living embodiment of the 20th century's most intensely subversive, disturbing and influential art movement.Dalí's second volume of autobiography, DIARY OF A GENIUS covers his life from...

    $309.00 MXN

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  • Unlimited Dream Company
    Ballard, J. G.
    "A remarkable piece of invention, a flight from the world of the familiar and the real into the exotic universe of dream and desire." —New York Times Book ReviewWhen a light aircraft crashes into the Thames at Shepperton, the young pilot who struggles to the surface minutes later seems to have come back from the dead. Within hours everything in the dormitory suburb is transform...

    $373.00 MXN

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  • Crystal World, The
    Ballard, J. G.
    J. G. Ballard's fourth novel, which established his reputation as a writer of extraordinary talent and imaginative powers, tells the story of a physician specializing in the treatment of leprosy who is invited to a small outpost in the interior of Africa. Finding the roadways blocked, he takes to the river, and embarks on a frightening journey through a strange petrified forest...

    $329.00 MXN

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  • Imperio del sol, El
    Ballard, J. G.
    Hijo de británicos acomodados residentes en el Asentamiento Internacional de Shanghai -un islote respetado dentro de la China ocupada por Japón-, Jim, niño de personalidad singular, escrutadora y analítica, recibe un mazazo inesperado cuando, de resultas del ataque a Pearl Harbor y la entrada de Japón en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los japoneses irrumpen en la ciudad y se ve sep...

    $314.00 MXN

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  • Drought, The
    Ballard, J. G.
    Weird and mesmerizingly grotesque, The Drought tells the chilling story of the world on the brink of extinction, where a global drought, brought on by industrial waste, has left mankind in a life-or-death search for water. Violence erupts and insanity reigns as the human race struggles for survival in a worldwide desert of despair. ...

    $259.00 MXN

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  • Best Short Stories of J. G. Ballard, The
    Ballard, J.G.
    First published in 1978, this collection of nineteen of Ballard's best short stories is as timely and informed as ever. His tales of the human psyche and its relationship to nature and technology, as viewed through a strong microscope, were eerily prescient and now provide greater perspective on our computer-dominated culture. Ballard's voice and vision have long served as a fo...

    $406.00 MXN

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  • Empire of the Sun
    Ballard, J.G.
    Jim is separated from his parents in a world at war. To survive, he must find a strength greater than all the events that surround him.Shanghai, 1941—a city aflame from the fateful torch of Pearl Harbor. In streets full of chaos and corpses, a young British boy searches in vain for his parents. Imprisoned in a Japanese concentration camp, he is witness to the fierce white flash...

    $327.00 MXN

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  • Complete Stories, The
    Ballard, J.G.
    "More than one thousand compelling pages from one of the most haunting, cogent, and individual imaginations in contemporary literature."-William BoydThe American publication of The Complete Stories of J. G. Ballard is a landmark event. Increasingly recognized as one of the greatest and most prophetic novelists, J. G. Ballard was a "writer of enormous inventive powers," who, in ...

    $639.00 MXN

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  • High-Rise
    Ballard, J. G.
    When a class war erupts inside a luxurious apartment block, modern elevators become violent battlegrounds and cocktail parties degenerate into marauding attacks on “enemy” floors. In this visionary tale, human society slips into violent reverse as once-peaceful residents, driven by primal urges, re-create a world ruled by the laws of the jungle. ...

    $312.00 MXN

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  • Crash
    Ballard, J. G.
    When J. G. Ballard, our narrator, smashes his car into another and watches a man die in front of him, he finds himself drawn with increasing intensity to the mangled impacts of car crashes. Robert Vaughan, a former TV scientist turned nightmare angel of the expressway, has gathered around him a collection of alienated crash victims and experiments with a series of autoerotic at...

    $313.00 MXN

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  • Concrete Island
    Ballard, J.G.
    Concrete Island pays twisted homage to Defoe's Robinson Crusoe. Newly reissued with an introduction from Neil Gaiman. On a day in April, just after three o'clock in the afternoon, Robert Maitland's car crashes over the concrete parapet of a high-speed highway onto the island below, where he is injured and, finally, trapped. What begins as an almost ludicrous predicament soon tu...

    $294.00 MXN

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  • Relatos, 1
    Ballard, J. G.
    Las historias de Ballard tratan de nuestro tiempo, están situadas en una especie de "presente profético", no las proyecta hacia el futuro; lo que le interesa es el futuro real que él veía próximo y que no ha perdido un ápice de su pertinencia. En la gran tradición de la ficción breve especulativa, Ballard es un maestro consumado de este género. Como él mismo explica: "Los relat...

    $788.00 MXN

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  • Love, Death + Robots. Vol. 2 & 3
    Miller, Tim / Asher, Neal / Ballard, J. G.
    The seventeen stories that make up Volumes Two and Three of the Emmy® award-winning Netflix Original series Love, Death & Robots.Featuring best-selling authors and screenwriters from all over the globe, curated by filmmakers Tim Miller and David Fincher, and Supervising Director Jennifer Yuh Nelson.Stories by Neal Asher, Paolo Bacigalupi, J. G. Ballard, Alan Baxter, Justin Coat...

    $446.00 MXN

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  • Guía del usuario para el nuevo milenio
    Ballard, J.G.
    Guía del usuario para el nuevo milenio es una colección de escritos del autor británico J. G. Ballard que abarcan toda su larga carrera y abordan la realidad con la misma prosa y visión agudas que distinguen su ficción. Aquí se reúnen muchos de los artículos breves que escribió: reseñas, ensayos y reflexiones sobre arte, cine, literatura y ciencia. El paso de las páginas ayuda ...

    $323.00 MXN

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  • Para una autopsia de la vida cotidiana
    Ballard, J. G.
    Antes de descubrirse como escritor, James Graham Ballard (1930-2009) había deseado ser psiquiatra, y su única formación académica se la habían dado dos años de Medicina. Nunca olvidaba decir que no era un hombre de letras, sino algo así como un cirujano descarriado, y a la hora de escribir buscaba inspiración en las fuentes más insólitas: textos médicos sobre accidentes de trán...

    $392.00 MXN

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  • Cocaine Nights
    Ballard, J. G.
    In Cocaine Nights, J. G. Ballard stretches the taught canvas of his transgressive vision over the framework of old-fashioned mystery. The setting: the swank Spanish resort of Estrella de Mar, where young retirees from Europe's chillier climes bask in a lifestyle of endless leisure. Into the queasy beauty of this artificial environment steps Charles Prentice, a London travel wri...

    $403.00 MXN

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  • Super-Cannes
    Ballard, J.G.
    Eden-Olympia is more than just a multinational business park, it is a virtual city-state in itself, built for the most elite high-tech industries. Isolated and secure, the residents lack nothing, yet one day, a doctor at the clinic goes on a suicidal shooting spree. Dr. Jane Sinclair is hired as his replacement, and her husband Paul uncovers the dangerous psychological vents th...

    $525.00 MXN

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  • Drowned World, The
    Ballard, J.G.
    A thrilling adventure with “an oppressive power reminiscent of Conrad” (Kingsley Amis), considered by many to be Ballard’s finest.In the novel that catapulted him to international acclaim upon its publication in 1962, J.G. Ballard’s mesmerizing and ferociously prescient The Drowned World imagines a terrifying future in which solar radiation and global warming has melted the ice...

    $332.00 MXN

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  • Kindness of Women, The
    Ballard, J.G.
    Published in 1991, this semi-autobiographical novel is a daring masterpiece from "one of the most important and intelligent voices in contemporary fiction" (Susan Sontag). "Rueful the way Primo Levi's work was" (New York Times Book Review), the novel follows fifteen-year-old Jim Graham as he leaves the ruins of postwar Shanghai, only to find that he cannot escape his own obsess...

    $392.00 MXN

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  • Atrocity Exhibition, The
    Ballard, J.G.
    The Atrocity Exhibition is an experimental novel of linked stories or "condensed novels" by British writer J.G. Ballard. Genre is experimental, science-fiction, dystopian, speculative fiction.It is J.G. Ballard's most complex, disturbing work, with fabulous photos by Ana Barrado and artwork by Phoebe Gloeckner. ...

    $520.00 MXN

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